Wednesday, June 3, 2009

(Event)Anime Event HELP University

                 Although a week or two.... has passed since I went to this event , but the reason I haven't write anything about it is because of the lack of time T.T . Anyway , I can say it's the first time I went to a place without knowing exactly where it is . With just a trusty map and my car , I was kinda relieved I didn't get lost ^.^ . The thing that I regret the most would be that , I forgot to bring my camera T.T , these pics were taken by my friend's camera ^.^ . In the event , everybody was really hyped up, although the venue was quite small IMO =.= .

 There were SOME , gundams and figure on display.....the gundams doesn't really catch my attention that much at that  time....=.= . Although I do like gundam , but with HARUHI's near them....I just can't get my eyes off them -,-

Too bad they din have Yuki or it will be a complete set ^.^ . though waitress Mikuru is also veli NICE ^.^

 So....what are anime events if there's no cosplay....^.^ , here are some of the cosplayers there taking pic with one of my friend ^.^.

Well , the event was.....quite ok. I hope that my club( still in processing stage ) will be able to do an event somewhere near this level ^.^.

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