Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(Myself)University Malaya(UM)

          Although unrelated to Anime and stuff , but writing this seems pretty fun so I proceded to it ^.^ .

         To tell the truth , this is my first time being in a university with such a big campus , and it was something kinda refreshing for me ^.^.

This is the entrance to the "perdanasiswa"

The campus itself is really quite big  , errr.....well we were lost and was going around the campus a few circle before we actually reach this place =.= ( ugghhh....the petrol ).

The hall in the University is also very big( well at least it is when compared to the multipurpose hall my college provide =.= )

took some pictures in the hall 

Took some pictures on the stage( although kinda embarrassed at first ^.^|| )
Is it me or the one in the middle( me ) has a kind of boss kinda feel ^.^

some overall picture of the hall

A very sudden shot taken by our lecturer , explains the unprepared look on the guys ^.^||

A very nice photo of my lecturer saying " You're sooo short " ^.^

But still of all the things in UM , the canteen is the one which I was facinated with , as when compared to the canteen in my college the one in UM owns it non-stop =.=||

well at least the environment is nice.....the floor is clean and there's no smell whatsoever

The foods are ordered outside the canteen , here's a pic of a friend of mine ordering the food

A pic of the chicken rice served at UM , cheap and delicious ^.^

french fries with tomato and mayo sauce ^.^

Overall the trip is a nice experience , and hope we can go more to these kinda places ^.^

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