Here's some of the pics of Eukrante
This is the box of Eukrante . wee she looks pretty ^_^.
Well actually she can look pretty without her armor but i like her with armor ver better
Now with the armor on
Busou Shinki - Eukrante IKIMASU!!!!
Landing mode
Strike Freedom's signature move( i believe everyone here know what strike freedom is ^_^ )
Some close-up shots
Dual Saber mode.....
Resting Mode
BOW mode
Would like some opinion on which pic is better....
This one?
Or this one? Or this one which has abit of natural lighting
Her with her blaster weapon( big gun )
The pose on the cover
Some close-up pics of her in this pose
Her armor and weapons can be combined to form this bird robot *thing*....dunno what to call it
She can even hang there like "infinite justice"
Hanging in midair!!!0.o
Not only all her armor can combine.....even all her weapons can combine to form a bigger badder gun :P
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