Ohh....Lately I find myself to have less money than usual.....as the price of things seem to be sky-rocketing =.= .
Why would I suddenly talk about this kind of thing? well you see a few days ago the figma Shana started selling in my region , and without even thinking what would I eat until January I went to a nearby hobby store with the thought of buying her . Upon my arrival , I definitely saw Shana on sale....but what caught my attention more would be Busou Shinki - Harmony Grace......Normally I would just buy both....but because of my current economical status I have to go with just one T.T .After idling at the store for a few hours( I'm not kidding ) and still can't decide which to get , I finally picked Harmony Grace as I thought I haven't bought any Busou Shinki for a while.....
After getting back home , I opened the package , and played around with her, and I must say i'm glad I got her , Harmony Grace in my opinion is the cutest busou shinki made , kudos to it's character designer Mercy rabbit ^.^ . She is just a beauty....Her main winning point would be that her face is more lifelike when compared to other busou shinki's .
Here's some pictures of her while I was playing around with her ^.^
This is her box( looks cute huh ^.^)
The side picture of the box play's a big role in purchasing her
Harmony Grace Unarmored
Fufu CUTE salute ^.^
Yosh!!!all Armoured up!!
and She's saying YAY!!!^.^
Salute while in armour ^.^ . Too beautiful and cute for words ^.^
Moe sister with candle and mic ^.^
If that's not enough she can also turn into a sister that got big guns ^.^
I just love her with her big guns ^.^
Grace : Hey Arch can I ride on your bike?
Arch :No Way!!! more like get lost.....
Arch : OKOK.....i'm sorry you're more than welcome too T.T
Grace :ふふふふ......
Arch :Umm....Grace-san I'm not into that =.=
Grace :Hmm......^.^
She's definitely a piece of art , and i'm glad I bought Her!!!