The World Only God Knows or more commonly known in it's abbreviated name TWOGK, the first time i saw the manga title was like "this should be one of the boring manga type" , but after some time have passed , just out of curiosity , i decided to give this manga a try. Without reading a synopsis or anything , i thought it would be something about a land of god or something in that category . But when i finished chapter 1 i was like "WTF!!!" the story is about a guy named Katsuragi Keima , an otaku expert in dating games( eroge and stuff)
, he's so good at it that people call him the capturing god.....and so one day he accidently signed a contract with the devil to capture evil spirits. These evil spirits dwells deep inside humans heart, and the only way to capture them is to make the person fall in love( and dun worry , the targets are all girls ^.^ ). How will Keima, an expert in dating games capture the hearts of a real maiden?
Here's some of the manga's
*Note: just to let you know that , the girls will forget everything that has happened between them during the time Keima and Erushia is capturing the spirit(Maybe they dun wanna turn this into a super harem show ^.^)
The manga is quite funny in my opinion , story wise is kinda weird, but in a good way of course. art style is OK nice and clean . The girls( can't help it , u rarely see any guys other than Keima) they all are drawn nicely . I find myself craving for more after i finished reading ch 2 . I would really recommend anyone to give this manga a try ^.^
this manga can potentially become an anime, hope so
My thoughts exactly.....^.^
Really feels like it can be an anime. Hope it does...
Let's all hope our dream will come true ^.^
i so hope it becomes an anime i mean fairy tail now has one the way, i'm currently enjoying fairy tail's anime ^.^
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