Rosario Vampire is a newly aired anime(ok not so new as it's been airing for 2 months now and a half now) that is adapted from a manga with the same name .The anime is about Aono Tsukune ,he flunked the entrance exam for high school ,and when just all hope is loss , his father picked up a flier from a priest stating that he can enroll into "Youkai Academy" with only the paperwork. But little did they know that that particular academy is an academy for Youkai(monster) . The story goes on as he meet with Akashiya Moka a vampire he accidentally bumped into when he arrived at the Academy .
And then it continues with Tsukune's everyday life in the Youkai Academy .This show contains alot of pantsu shot and i mean ALOT ,it's like u can't even count them all with your 2 hands in one episode .And it also has alot of harem moments ,which means alot of cat fight ^_^
and so here's some screenshots of the anime
This is the main character Aono Tsukune .He look like shiet cuz he failed the entrance exam for high school
Tsukune A MASSIVE blood loss
This is Akashiya Moka.....CUTE......!!!!
Because there's alot of pantsu shot i'll put this as an example. Of course there's more in the show :P
Akashiya Moka looks like a normal gentle person but when the rosario on her chest is pulled off,she will become a super S class Youkai ,A vampire .
This is when the rosario is pulled off(....forgot to mention she can't pull of the rosario by herself)
This is how she looks when she becomes a vampire...
Even though she turned into a vampire there's also some shots of her that are cute. eg: the one below ^_^
And here's some of Tsukune's Harem member , i wont put so much as i dun wan to spoil the fun of watching for ya all
And here's some of the must have for Harem shows
The anime and the manga has alot of differences .One of the main difference is that the anime focuses more on the love relation of Tsukune and the girls while the manga focuses more on action .If you're gonna watch this anime i suggest that u also check out the manga as it's very different from the anime .I dun wanna spoil the fun for u but let's say that Tsukune is more useful in the manga than in the anime .
here's some pic of Tsukune's usefulness in the manga
OOPs....wrong picture.....
Here's the right one
that was great ive already read the manga but i havet seen the anime ty for the update i come bace bye later
you should check it out, as it's quite nice ^.^
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