Sunday, December 20, 2009

(Figure Review)Actsta Subaru Nakajima

If you've been following this blog for some time, you should know that I have been in a figure hauling drought for months. The cause of this drought was due to the fact that I was determined to get the "Actsta Nakajima Subaru" that came out this month. Thinking back now, I have been eating breadcrumbs day in day out, hang out less as hanging out requires money O.o. Other than that, I have been resisting to get all those figures I thought of buying, one of those figures includes, "figma shamal" and also "figma Vita". After all these months, some of my friends even thought I quit collecting figures altogether =.=||. But all that suffering ends this moment( well I know I sound exaggerating >.<).

I got this beauty when I was shopping around with my family yesterday, and I must say this yet again.....she's a real beauty. I was mesmerized by her when the preview picture of her was out, and I was mesmerized further more when I saw her in the shop yesterday. When I got home, I couldn't hold myself and unpacked her straight away. Half of it, was due to the fact that she's the first figure I got in around 4 months O.o.

I guess I have been not getting my dose of figures lately, as I seem to be talking abit too much O.o.
As I unpack her, aahh....the smell of plastic, is just sooo smoothing( said like a complete pervert XD).

Had hours of fun with her, and these are some of the photo's i have taken

I tried posing some of the poses from the box, and she can duplicate them just find O.o. The joints are well hidden, and she moves really well....

If taken from a certain angle, her joints are almost completely camouflaged, and she will look like a non-articulated PVC figure.

Her Face. Another Masterpiece.

Flying STANCE!!!!>.<

Looks good even when she's serious.

Ready to take a beating from me?

Following on are some of the more comedic shots that i made. Hope you guys like it ^.^

And more xD

Articulation and also the face and sculpture are just superb. I really din regretted saving my 4 months of money for this babe ^.^. A must get for articulated figure lovers


Roid said...

Oh yea dude, u starting to have a true blood of a collector edi. May Subaru rocks (figma subaru juz announced ) something bout the, borrow me to shoot also ok :P

Anonymous said...

Wow, actsta~!

she definitely blows away figma line, doesn't it.

Nice get.

desangel said...

well....still working on the background ^.^. And I can't seem to borrow you cuz Subaru seems to be glued tight to my hand >.<.

yeah....she definitely does blow away the figma line, but it also blows away my wallet too T.T