Sunday, April 19, 2009

(Anime Rant)Hayate No Gotoku Second Season Episode 02 & 03

         Yesterday thinking back about my exams gave me some chills =.= , currently feel like Hayate above -.- . Hayate no Gotoku is finally back and with even more comedy . Although I did need some time to adjust myself with some of the colors change of the characters .

continuing from the previous episode, Hayate who was in danger of getting fired was sent to the "Tiger's Den for Butlers" for a test , and was Tama significant there?=.=

Another cutie added in Hayate O.o

         I totally like how they introduced the characters Heroes in this episode ^.^ ,especially for Katsura-sensei . Special Attribute : useless person ^.^

         Wataru-kun, Special Move: able to watch a 52 episode anime in just 1 go =.=

   Is Hikkikomori a profession O.o

         For those who haven't read the manga , the priest is dead O.o
    "Ore wa , toorisugari no...."
           "Kamen Rider da Seigi no Mikata" . I dunno if the "toori sugari no Seigi no Mikata " was there in manga, or it was made as a parody of Kamen Rider Decade =.= Anyone?

Isumi is also very lovely in this episode ^.^
Hando Soapo ^.^

      Hayate finally has a hissatsu waza YEAH!!!!^.^

The pictures below are all a tribute to Hinagiku . The producers have finally read their viewers mind and tributed the whole ending to Hinagiku ^.^
        OMG!!!Hinagiku is just so moe~~~!!!^.^ I guess it's almost an inevitable fact that 70% of the anime shows that the side characters are always more popular than the main Heroine =.=

1 comment:

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It goes beyond all limits.