So....yesterday i went to an anime convention which were hold by my neighboring college. By the time i got there it was kinda late but still looks like i didn't miss anything out. continue on....although it was held by a college but it was fun. i get to see alot of fellow comrades hanging out together, some of them even cosplayed which made it even more wicked....^^
following on would be some of the pics that i had taken on that day( sry for the bad pics in advance, i really so need to get a better camera for these kinda of events but sad part would be i'm Sooo broke right now T_T)
Ok continue on....first would be the figures in that place ^^ there was alot there , or maybe i have very few of my own...but still standing in there with all those figures around you is kinda refreshing ^_^
First off uguu.....cute little girl
Think i'm gonna start off with the cute ones, and here's Kotomi(CUTE~~~~)
Shana-chan flame haze mode
This think, sry kinda forgot
if i'm not wrong this is from little buster's Natsume Rin
And now for the others
Tomoyo in apron ^_^
Kyou, first time seeing the figure
Iriya from Iriya no Sora, nice.....
uoohhh....Hayami-chan from H20 footprints in the sand. Really nice......
CC such a lovely pose....^_^
Fate-chan now this is really nice as i dun have the money to add her into my collection T_T
Some of the Da Capo girls
More Da Capo Girls ^_^ FYI i do very like Da Capo though it's seconded by Nanoha
Umm....this one is kinda hard to name.
Tohsaka Rin....Yummy....^_^
Jigoku Shoujo thought of getting her but.....kinda scared cuz of the doll.
And now for the Shuraki Girls( i think they are called shuraki, do correct me if i'm wrong) Tomoe ,if the tag there is her's
These 2 are so on my to get list, but i heard they're kinda hard to find plus they cost a limb =.= can i forget about Joe.....girls with dual hand guns rocks....:P
Continue on would be the very loved cosplayers ^_^
These guys were having some kinda show which has a chaos soldier fighting off bleach's Ichigo and Kisuke, which in my opinion was hilarious
The pics are kinda bad here so i will try to explain the situation. So first the chaos soldier got his Gatling Gun emptied then he pull out his hand gun and killed Kisuke.
After that Ichigo comes into the picture
Justice Prevails?
One of the cosplayer holding Kon
here are some of the cosplayers which are casually there( the one in the gothic dress is kinda cute in my opinion)
Here's some of the lucky people that won some prizes that day
Reno from FF7, his on stage performance was funny
Some of the comrades there was drawing nice doujin pics
There's also this cute(pretty) artist there drawing ^_^
I left near the end of the event ,my camera battery also died by that time too T_T .but still good thing it didn't died in the middle of the event or i would have hit my head on the wall right now ^^ . yeah it was fun and i hope that there will be more event like this going on .