Da Capo is a super great romance anime that was aired on 2003 . The show is about Asakura Junichi who lives in a cresent moon shaped island with his sister Nemu . The island itself is special as Sakura Flowers blooms through out the year and the people has special powers . eg. Junichi has the ability to see other peoples dreams and create sweet with magic( although it's quite useless as it consumes his own calories to create a sweet ) . And one day Junichi's cousin Yoshino Sakura came back from America to fulfill the promise they 2 make while they were child , but the strange thing is that ,Sakura have not age one bit from the day that she left . And thus the bittersweet story of magic , love ,hidden desires and unattainable dreams begins .
The show has alot of laughter in it and comical moments , and the animation is top notch for a 2003 production . there's some fanservice...(some) and great story line that leaves u craving for more ^_^
Here's some screenshots
hm...let's start out with the main character and his sister
Junichi Using his magic to create tha sweet
The show has it's funny moments because of Junichi simply babbling style of talking
Do u wan a knuckle ham??!!! ^_^
The one hugging Nemu is Miharu
there's no shoujo-ai..-_-
Some close up shots on Nemu
Sakura the cutest character in the show.....SHE"S WAY CUTE......
comical moments....^_^
Sakura chasing Junichi around
dun get me wrong i'm not lolicon but still i think she's cute <3
More of cute Sakura....^_^
MABUSHI!!!Sakura sparkling....
Amakase Miharu....she's a robot and there's some episodes about her...unique cute and love banana....( the real one -_-)
took this pic cuz Junichi look so funny
The Nabe Shimai....cuz they eat Nabe on the roof( Nabe shimai is what i call them....they're not called that in the show )
Shirakawa Kotori another pretty character
Yoriko Nekomim no Maid-san
Yoriko trying to cook...but the outcome.....
Here's some fanservice shots.....:P cuz i know some people might wan it....
Well the show has nice animation and OP and ED songs , why i wrote this show is because that my blog has no timeline on anime and one thing is that this anime continues to survive....the lateset da capo is Da Capo II Season 2 which is has started airing a few weeks ago .and i still can't get enough of it....hope they continue to make new seasons of it.....^_^